Saturday, May 5, 2007

What of Artistic Integrity? Where have the virtues of Journalism gone?

Of all the world matters that could have and should have made it to the front page, CNN showcased what can be termed, upon little inspection, journalistic defecation. I have no screenshot to tell but why would Paris Hilton getting 45 days in prison be news of such pertinence and gravity that it deserves front page reverence along with a photo of her celebrity ineptitude is beyond me.

My 'blog' has very little traffic. I'm tired, even exasperated. Academics has been a rude awakening call and most of the time writing has become a sort of solace but that is not to say in desperation, I don't want recognition. Acknowledgment is always encouraging. Perhaps my prose is limp and uninspiring. Whatever the case maybe, I've decided that journalistic integrity is overrated and artistic integrity rendered impractical.

I think I shall post pornography. Right now, I'm just making sure it does not violate Google's Terms of Use Agreement.

Before anyone asks, it's not going to be naked pictures of myself. I prize my dignity enough not to resort to the basest of things, exploitative shock journalism.

I think I shall delete this post. Maybe. Maybe pornography is the way to get traffic these days.

Small Digression
If the sciences which include amongst others physics, chemistry, and biology are the ultimate search for truth then the arts which include amongst others language, painting, music, and sculpture, are the ultimate search for beauty, then what of the bridges in between?
In my years of academia, I've finally realized what these are. Communications, Sociology and Psychology. These are the so-called Social Scientific disciplines. I'm not sure of the Politically Scientific but the Social Scientific disciplines all claim to be science. I respect the arts in that it claims to be art as it should. I revere the sciences, its process and philosophy, however I do not necessarily enjoy its practice. But the social sciences are such pure bullshit in that instead of accepting the fact that they are somewhere in-between, they insist they are science when they are not. In fact, they spend an entire chapter explaining and elaborating on why social science is indeed science. I'm all for overpaid assholes teaching classes (people need jobs and as a pragmatist, I understand people need to make a living) but at least, have the integrity to admit to yourselves, you little scum, that this is not science. It's a "study" albeit a very interesting study. Assholes.

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