Saturday, June 9, 2007

And She Would Build a Utopia in my Heart

Before I get into being mentally effaced and physically effete from the draconian week of finals, I would like to link to two other blogs of which by the nature of their content seem pertinent to many college students like me. (Note they are blogs from friends of mine.)


The first I find uproariously entertaining and the second, admittedly less entertaining but still mildly interesting in an occasional sort of way.

Also, I would like to take this time to ask my minuscule population of readers and encourage them to debate, question, and comment on these posts. How does democracy thrive? Through an informed constituency!
So let us have an intellectual bloodbath on some trivial things. Alas, there lies the pretension of being human. Let us start by asking what separates man from machine? And worse, what separates man from monster?
Ask. Question. Learn.


Anonymous said...

update your fucking blog, dude.

darkwraithafter9 said...

It takes time to create quality work. ;)